Curriculum we Cover

We offer online tutoring for All courses of study including their test and exam preparation. Our tutors can help with different courses in different countries. We provide tutoring services in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Our tutors can cover a wide range of curricula.

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How to find local tutoring services and educational modules?

We are providing online private tutoring in the UK, USA, and Canada. We have subject specialists in English, Math, Science, Physics, Chemistry, and SAT. We also have a team of expert tutors for k-12, Key stages 1, 2, 3, GCSE and A-Level

Everything included in one price

The price of private tuition often varies depending on the subject or level of the student. With Mathmakesmart, however, the cost of tuition depends on the type of package you choose. The membership can be used for more than one subject and can be shared by all children in a family.


Tutoring Types

+ Exam revision
+ Homework help
+ Preparation for resits
+ Primary school tutoring
+ Secondary school tutoring
+ Long-term academic support

Personalized lessons

+ Choice of tutor
+ Flexible timings
+ WhatsApp group
+ Secure payments
+ 1:1 Online tutoring
+ Easy scheduling & rescheduling

Online Education

+ Remote access
+ Recording facility
+ Shared whiteboard
+ Easy contact anytime
+ Compatible on all devices
+ Access to send & receive files

More Features

+ Discount packages
+ Active support team 
+ Nobal & Polite tutors
+ Note sheets and sources
+ Advance learning program
+ LMS for the progress report